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Barrell Vantage - Review

The Details

Barrell Craft Spirits

A Blend of Straight Bourbon Whiskeys

Finished in Mizunara, French and Toasted American Oak

Cask Strength

Batch 1

No Age Statement (NAS)

Distilled in Indiana, Tennessee and Kentucky

Bottled by Barrell Craft Spirits - Louisville, Kentucky

114.44 Proof

Mashbill: Various - Blended

Price: $80

Poured Neat in a Copita nosing glass - Click Here to order

Appearance: Gold

Nose: Dark Chocolates, Marshmallows, Caramel and Vanilla Custard

Palate: Buttercream Frosting, Graham Crackers, Burnt Caramel and Oak

Finish: A Long Viscous Linger with a Warm Rye Spice

Overall: I had the opportunity to give this a try for the first time when I attended the Wisconsin Whiskey Fest last month. This was a bottle that had my attention right from the get-go with the finish alone. Well, the whiskey certainly followed through with the incredible finishing barrels. As soon as I returned home, I purchased a bottle.

Inviting upon first sniff, the dark chocolates and marshmallows danced across my senses. Crossing my fingers and hoping the palate followed the nose with those sweet sugary flavors, I was met by the sandwich portion of the s'more. Graham crackers and buttercream frosting created almost a dessert in a glass until the perfect spice shows up. A warm peppery rye spice helps to create a higher viscosity and warm tingle straight down the throat.

This is certainly one to check out if you've ever been on the fence about any Barrell product. The blending is exquisite and the finishes are spot on with my profile.

Library Rating: 8.7 / 10

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